Major benefits to your practice

Every patient will receive evidence based support

Creating lasting change

Data based on 12 month clinical audit of Changing Health’s content – X-PERT Health

Major benefits to your practice

Changing Health offers an innovative self-referral service that frees up resources and improves service uptake

Get your patients self-referring in just 30 minutes


Reversed Type 2 diabetes in just 12 weeks

"Before Changing Health I had to take a lot of medication to manage my diabetes, which made me feel terrible. I didn't know I had the potential to take control of my health!"

Tina, Northamptonshire

Case study

A practice in Waltham Forest recruited 40 suitable people from an invite list of 200 in just 3 days via our self-referral service.

NB. if you’d like to demo the service, contact Gemma Johnson on Please DO NOT register on the above URL as it will use one of your paid for licenses.

You need to do 2 things that will take approx. 30 minutes

Your action items

No.1 Identify patients
via EMIS search

No.2 Contact patients by
SMS iPlato

Changing health manages

Helps patient sing-up
for service online

Delivers service

1. Identify suitable patients via an EMIS search

To identify patients in EMIS, simply download the zip file below and install into EMIS. This will automatically run the search query.

This pre-made search will find people that meet the eligibility criteria for Changing Health. This query identifies people with type-2 diabetes who aren’t currently on insulin; it also excludes any patients undergoing palliative care. To view our full eligibility criteria please refer to the section below.

If you wish to further refine your search to identify a more restricted cohort of patients please feel free to modify the query. Holly can also be contacted on for access to a number of modified queries.

2. Send the SMS to invite patients to the service

After you’ve created a list by completing stage 1 above. You can download the file from EMIS, and upload ID/NHS into iPlato to send the SMS. Below are our recommendations on timings and copy. Both have been tested to achieve for maximum engagement.

Timing: To get the best chance of a response, we’ve found the following times drive the best engagement,
9:30am and 11:30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.

Copy and paste this text for the SMS:

Your GP has referred you to a lifestyle change coach to help you manage your Type 2 diabetes. To arrange your first appt. visit

* For maximum impact, we advise planning to send 3 waves of SMS over a 2 weeks period.

This service can also be used when you're seeing patients in clinic

What your patient will see and do

​To understand what your patient will experience after you’ve referred them, take a look at our overview video below:

What your patient receives once referred:

  1. Your patient will be contacted by their coach to introduce the service and arrange their 1st coaching call. They will also gain access to the mobile app and web version of this service. The web version can be accessed here:
  2. The app contains tools for tracking food, weight and activity along with a digital version of X-PERT Health, the only structured Type 2 diabetes education programme clinically proven to reduce blood glucose and weight, leading to improved patient satisfaction.
  3. ​Once your patient has completed the X-PERT Health learning modules, they gain access to a personal lifestyle coach trained in the use of evidenced based behaviour change and motivational techniques.
  4. ​Patients can then book up telephone coaching appointments over the service period. The first appointment will be 20 minutes, and subsequent appointments around 10 minutes in length.
  5. In alignment with X-PERT Health’s current reporting, Changing Health will be tracking clinical outcomes for all users at 6 and 12 months.

​If you have any questions about the Changing Health service delivery, please contact us on or call our helpline on 0333 222 4147.