Service description – Healthy Living
‘The Service’ in the context of this document refers to the digital services and all content available via the app;
The Service is delivered through a web app or mobile app, Service Users will receive access to the Service, commencing from the date of your first registration with the Service.
The Service provides Service Users with the ability to log and track activity (daily steps), weight, and food intake, and write Action Plans in support of lifestyle change goals.
We may change the site, Services or content from time to time to update for changes in scientific knowledge, improve usability or to comply with regulatory changes. We may also require you to update or add additional content to your profile/account in order to optimise your use and outcomes from the Service.
If you are referred to the Service by your GP, Changing Health will notify your GP about your status within the programme (did not attend education, attended education, did not complete education, completed education) after your referral. NHS England will update any changes to your status with your GP as required and be updated by your GP on your electronic health record.
Please see our privacy policy for more information about how we handle your personal data. If you have any questions or concerns about your data please contact us to discuss: If you require more information about how your GP handles your personal data please refer to their privacy policies (which should be available on their websites).
By registering as a Service User you represent that all information supplied about you is accurate. You may suffer serious harm if you provide misleading or untrue information about yourself, your age or your health in using the Service.
We will provide you with access to the Services once you have completed all registration requirements. You will be able to make use of the Services unless and until either of us terminates this agreement in accordance with its terms or the Services otherwise become unavailable either on a temporary or permanent basis.
Date: 2021-06-17T23:11:32+00:00 Version: 3